Ix WebHosting Review

It all depends on how you use it!
If you are in the market for some premium hosting software, then IX Web hosting is not the place for you! There are companies who offer better support, better customer service, but noone offers better value. My experience with IX Web Hosting has been truly amazing! IX Web Host offers an insane value for the cost. A special thank you has to go to the "Geek Squad" over at Dauntless Computers: Computer Store Orlando. They ran a signifigant portion of our testing and were crucial in building our systems that allowed for the data that is registered below. They built us 2 of their custom AMD Pro computers which have served us very well and I suggest that if you are in the market, you check them out at Custom PC Orlando. Anyways, disclaimers out of the way, let me break down the ammazing hosting opportunity for you...

Features of IX Web Hosting
IX Web Hosting features are amazing especially for private web designers, or anyone expecting to do any quantity of work. I have personnaly hosted over 300 sites on IX Web Hosting which makes it the the best seo host in the industry today. I have been able to cut the costs down on my websites to under 9c a month per site using the IX Web Hosting platform. That means I am paying $1.18 a year per site plus Name-Silo Registration (using coupon codes) which meant less than 9$ a year per site total cost!
Still Not Sold?
IX Web Hosting has awsome features that cannot be matched by any other provider at this cost. There was a security breach in 2009 that has caused some anger and caused a lot of people to leave. However, that was 6 years ago! IX Webhosting is practically begging for more clients which is why they have specials like this that are practically impossible to resist!
Interested in Trying Black-Hat SEO?
Between the extreme IP variety, the cheap cheap hosting, the unlimmited bandwith, and a sleu of other features, the IX platform is the best SEO platform on the market! combine this with Name-Silo domain registrar with Free Privacy which is a must for any SEO effort! Don't pay someone to build you a PBN when you can do it for practically nothing!
While there have been security and other issues in the world of IX, they were many years ago and the deals that IX offers are too good! I spent the first year of my hosting waiting to see suprise charges, but none came. I have been thouroughly pleased and I give IX webhosting a :